The perfect Hot chocolate!
Hi Everyone! Seeing as it is winter, here is the perfect bedtime treat for you! Here's how to make it: Ingredients: Cocoa powder Milk (as much as you want depending on how big your mug is) Squirting Cream Ground Cinnamon (optional) Equipment: Blender (optional) Mug Instructions: 1. Pour the milk into a mug. 2.Heat the mug in the microwave.(Small mug:40 secs -Medium mug: 1min-1min 30 secs -Large mug: 2 mins ) 3. Once the milk is done, add your cocoa powder.Stir it in. 4. Take the Squirting cream and swirl it on top of the hot chocolate. Then sprinkle the cinnamon on top. Thanks Everyone!!! Jelly Bean💋